Proven Strategies

Black cat peeking out from behind a branch

Friendly for a Reason: Expanding Shelter-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return Eligibility for Cats Webinar

Historically, community cat programs using shelter-neuter-vaccinate-return (SNVR) and trap-neuter-vaccinate-return (TNVR) have focused mostly on feral or fractious cats. But the most effective community cat programs take a more expansive approach. Listen as two cat programming experts talk about the issue of friendly community cats and their on-the-ground experience with saving more lives in different areas of the country. They’ll challenge your views on returning friendly cats with personal stories about their interactions with community members and discuss topics like safe SNVR practices and the benefits of expanding program eligibility.

Presenter: Alesha Davidson - National Shelter Embed Program Specialist, Best Friends Animal Society
