Visit Best Friends at our Utah Sanctuary and Lifesaving Centers across the country.
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Kanab, UT
One of the great benefits of being a Network partner is that our Volunteer and Visitor Experience Division staff (VVE) will help coordinate your Sanctuary visit to give you a personalized experience and ensure you maximize your time with us.
If you’d like to visit the Sanctuary, please complete our Best Friends Network partner pre-visit survey. Once this is submitted, staff from the VVE Division will reach out to you directly to help plan your activities.
For a successful visit, please note the following:
- We encourage you to provide as much advance notice as possible. Six to eight weeks is recommended. The earlier you plan, the more likely that your specific requests can be accommodated.
- If you desire any interaction with the animals while visiting, you’ll need to register in advance as a volunteer. More information on volunteering can be found by clicking here.
- You can find more information to help you plan your visit here.
Best Friends Lifesaving Centers and Regional Programs
You can also visit Best Friends at our Lifesaving Centers in Regional Program cities across the country. Currently, we operate lifesaving programs in:
We also work with Network partners and municipal leaders in California and Utah to advance city- and state-wide no-kill initiatives. No-Kill LA (NKLA) and No-Kill Utah (NKUT) are critical coalitions that drive progressive lifesaving collaborations.
If you’re interested in visiting any of our Lifesaving Centers, please reach out to your Regional Specialist to set up a visit.