The kittens are coming! Preparing your foster program ahead of kitten season
Kittens are cute and cuddly, but also one of the most vulnerable populations within a shelter. With kitten season right around the corner, now is the time to prepare so you’re ready when the kittens arrive. During this townhall, our expert panel discussed everything you need to know about kitten foster programs. We shared resources and proven strategies that can be adapted based on your organization’s needs - whether you are thinking about starting a new program or looking to enhance your current one. We also briefly cover the benefits of participating in the Best Friends National Kitten Foster Campaign.
Moderator: Fraily Rodriguez, Director, Lifesaving Centers – East, Best Friends Animal Society
- Brittany Sorgenstein – Executive Director, Los Angeles Program, Best Friends Animal Society
- Carrie Lalonde - Manager, Lifesaving Programs - Houston, Best Friends Animal Society
- Tammy Jo Hallman – Municipal & Shelter Support Specialist, Best Friends Animal Society
Time Stamps:
- Panelist introductions- 2:45
- Foster recruitment- 5:26
- Communicating with fosters- 10:15
- On-boarding fosters- 15:15
- Setting expectations with fosters- 18:25
- Using foster mentors- 20:00
- How to expand your program with limited staff- 24:18
- Short-term fostering & rotating your fosters- 26:01
- Case management and focusing on outcomes first- 30:01
- Asking your community for resources and supplies- 33:45
- Breaking down barriers within your program- 38:50
- Turning finders into fosters- 42:22
- Engaging your community- 45:36
- Empowering your fosters- 48:38
- How to manage walk-in volunteers and new fosters- 50:07
- Supporting your fosters through challenges or loss of a kitten- 52:18
- Technology tips to communicate with fosters- 54:24
- Allowing short-term fosters to hand off to next foster and pros/cons- 56:35
- Reduce barriers that come with state required home inspection prior to fostering- 57:40
- Closing thoughts on ways to increase lifesaving- 59:56
Foster Programming Fundamentals, online course
Program Spotlights
- Best Friends' experts share more tips on preparing for kitten season
- Kitten programs 2.0 part 1: Re-examining medical protocols for neonates
- Kitten Programs 2.0 part 2: Bringing up (a neonatal) baby
Medical Care for Kittens Playbook
The Kittens are Coming, Best Friends Podcast
Levels of Emergencies for Fosters Chart, DuPage County Animal Services
Kitten Shower Invite and Wish List, Palm Beach County Animal Care & Control Division
Staycation/Daycation Marketing Assets
If you enjoyed this town hall, you can find our complete catalog here.