Best Friends Vet Access App Frequently Asked Questions for Fosters

Small black and white dog looking over a person's shoulder

Best Friends Vet Access for Fosters - Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for fosters

FAQs for organization admins


How does the app work?

  • Just download the app onto your smartphone, enter the “coupon code” emailed to you from Vets Plus More via your organization. Once activated, you can add your foster pet’s information. When you need to connect with a vet, click “Call Vet” and you’ll get the option to video chat or text with a vet. Please follow full instructions here.

Where can I find my “coupon code” for free access to the app?

  • The organization you are fostering for will assign you a coupon code. You will receive that coupon code via an email from Vets Plus More. The email address is Be sure to check your Spam/Junk folder. Once you receive your coupon code, follow the instructions here to use the app.

Are there any extra costs I might find with this app?

  • Nope! Once you have input your organization’s free access code, there are no additional fees.

Are the vets licensed?

  • Yes, all the veterinarians in the app are fully licensed to practice and have at least five years of experience as a veterinarian. All veterinarians are employed by Vets Plus More and are not employed by Best Friends Animal Society.

I have several foster pets. Can I use the Best Friends Vet Access app for all of them?

  • Yes, you can use the app to ask questions about multiple pets in a single foster home.

I’m having trouble connecting to a veterinarian. What can I do?

  • Connecting may take between 30 seconds and a full minute. Please be patient and don’t hang up! If you happen to call when all our veterinarians are helping others, you’ll hear a short message asking you to text or call back in one minute (a rare occurrence).

The video is blurry. How do I get a clearer image?

  • Video chatting requires a faster phone processor and good Wi-Fi or cell data connection. iPhone 4 or greater or Samsung 4 or greater work well with FaceTime. Some older models just don’t have the processor speed to make it work correctly. If you have trouble, it is most likely your connection. We encourage you to make sure you have an adequate connection and an updated phone for best results with Best Friends Vet Access.

Is the app available on both Android and Apple?

  • Yes, the app works on both platforms.

What if I am no longer fostering and do not need the app anymore?

  • No problem: Just let your organization’s admin know and he or she can remove you from your organization’s portal.


I have already set up our dashboard. Now where do I login?

I have already set up our dashboard and email template. How do I send fosters the information they need?

  • Follow the instructions in this instructional pdf for how to add fosters and send them their coupon code for free access. You can also send them this flyer for a summary of the BFVA app. And this instructional pdf shows fosters how to log in and use the app.

How long does it take for a foster to receive an email after inputting them in the portal?

  • It should only take a few minutes for fosters to receive their coupon code via email once you initiate the email.

Is there a limit to the number of fosters we can add for our organization?

  • Not at this time. But this service does operate via user licenses so please limit your fosters/staff to those who need to actively use it. This will help to ensure that we can continue to offer the service to all fosters across the country.

I need to update information for one of my fosters. Is there a way to edit their contact information or delete them from the portal?

  • You will need to delete them from the portal and then generate a new coupon code for them.

Will I be alerted when one of our fosters uses this app to connect with a vet? How long does it take for me to be able to see the information about the transaction and the vet’s recommendations?

  • The information about calls and texts will populate in the reports section within a few minutes of the call or text completion, but you will not be alerted.

What information can the vet give to fosters?

  • Vets in the app can help the foster determine if the issue they are seeing can be solved at home, whether it requires an in-person vet visit, or if the foster should seek immediate emergency care for the pet. Fosters should follow the instructions of their organization if the pet requires further medical care.

Our organization has it’s own vets on staff. Are we able to connect our fosters to our own vets through this app?

How long will we be able to use this service for?

  • We hope to keep this service available for free as long as COVID-19 is affecting access to vets in person. We will continue to evaluate the need for this service and our ability to offer it for free, and any changes will be communicated.

Is this app available to animal welfare organizations outside of the U.S. for free as well?

  • Not at this time, but organizations outside of the U.S. can sign up for a paid subscription, which start at $12.99/month.


  • For technical questions about the Best Friends Vet Access app, please contact Tech Support inside the app under the Profile menu.
  • For questions and troubleshooting during the foster portal set-up process, please email
  • For questions about Best Friends Vet Access as a service or the registration process, please email