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Woman and young boy crouching on gravel path with black and white dog

Mid-Atlantic Region Grant Priorities

Competitive proposals must demonstrate, with shelter statistics, a direct impact on saving animals’ lives and/or leading to a reduction in the number of cats and dogs killed in shelters. Proposals without shelter data will not be considered. Priority consideration will be given to projects focused on helping in those areas where animals are most at risk. Refer to the pet lifesaving dashboard to see where the greatest lifesaving opportunities are in your area.​

The priorities for the Rachael Ray Save Them All grants are projects that are focused on:

Programs that show a measurable reduction in the number of cats and dogs killed in the region’s shelters. Examples of programs to launch or improve upon may include:

  • Impactful feline programming such as:  
    • Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Release (TNVR) - focused programs in lieu of intake at shelters for healthy outdoor cats resulting in measurable reduction of shelter death for cats  
    • Return-to-Field (RTF)/ Shelter-Neuter-Return (SNR) programs - this route provides healthy, already impounded, stray cats spay/neuter, vaccinations, and an ear tip prior to being released back to the outdoor location where they were found.  
    • Lifesaving neonatal (under 8 weeks) kitten programming, such as Finder to Foster kits, “leave kittens where they are” programming, etc.  
  • Funding to pull data supported at-risk animals from a shelter, to be adopted or transported  
  • Providing resources or access to medical care that prevents unnecessary shelter intake of at risk pets      
  • Programs that focus on and significantly increase live outcomes for at-risk large dogs (foster programs, behavior programs, adoption programs, promotion programs or diversion programs)  
  • Focus on collaboration between organizations that show a measurable increase in lifesaving at shelters that have the greatest lifesaving opportunity 

Examples of projects successfully funded in recent years include: 

  • A private agency with contract for services received funding to provide spay/neuter/vaccination in lieu of intake for 250 community cats in their highest shelter intake zip code xxxxx. This prevented euthanasia of these cats who would’ve been euthanized if impounded.  
  • A municipal agency received partial funding to provide spay/neuter/vaccination of impounded community cats to allow the return of eligible cats to their outdoor homes, instead of shelter euthanasia. 
  • A rescue group committed to facilitate transports for large dogs at a priority municipal agency to reduce shelter death of large dogs due to limited space/time issues. They transported over 150 large dogs, measuring reducing shelter death, with grant funds going towards costs associated with the transports. 
  • A rescue group partnered with a municipal agency to help establish a program to provide alternatives for pet owners looking to surrender their pet(s) when temporary care support was the need. They established a pet food pantry and basic care support program that reduced unnecessary shelter intake, reduced shelter euthanasia for space/time/resource limitations and kept more pets with their families, overcoming resolvable issues.  

Want to chat with the Mid-Atlantic regional team about your proposal?

Please email and indicate the state you are located.

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