Ainsley Hay, Pacific strategist
Ainsley Hay is a Strategist in the Pacific Region for Best Friends Animal Society.
Ainsley has been working with animals for 25 years and her first involvement with Animal Welfare began with volunteering at her local municipal SPCA at 16 years old. This experience set the course for a rich and varied career helping Animals in 5 countries ( South Africa, UK, Mauritius, Canada, USA)
Originally from South Africa she qualified as a Veterinary Nurse in 2003, she has worked in Veterinary Medicine, Shelter Medicine, Wildlife Rehabilitation, ACO and Shelter Management.
Her Career Highlights include successfully resuscitating a giraffe calf, assisting with mass sterilization campaigns in remote rural villages in South Africa and Alaska and hosting an Animal Podcast.
In 2018 She was honored to receive an Award from the South African Veterinary Nurses Association for the contribution and difference she has made in the Veterinary Nursing Profession.
Ainsley has a passion for knowledge sharing and truly believes in collaboration and community involvement in Animal Welfare. She wholeheartedly believes that No Kill USA is achievable if we all band together and radically shift to a newer, better way of Animal Sheltering.
Ainsley lives in Blaine, WA with her husband, their dogs George and Penny, Cat Boba and an assortment of foster pets.