The Best Friends Podcast Episode 4
There are communities around the country that are thriving during what is a very difficult time. What makes them so successful and what lessons can we all learn from them?
We'll be looking at some of those communities on The Best Friends Podcast and we're starting with Chicago. It's the 3rd largest city in the country and Chicago's municipal shelter, CACC, has not had the best reputation in the past for transparency and collaboration. There have been big improvements in collaborative lifesaving solutions over the last several years between the municipal shelter and rescue community and it couldn't have come at a better time.
A united front has helped rally the entire animal-loving public to step up in ways once thought unimaginable.
Click here to check out all the episodes from the podcast.

- Jenny Schlueter, Chicago Animal Care and Control.
- Nicole Quattrocki, Fix Chicago.
- Heather Owen, One Tail at a Time One Tail at a Time Dog Rescue.

- Foster Programs Training Playbook: contains sample procedure and program information documents
- Dog Fostershare Project Facebook Group