The Best Friends Podcast Episode 84
As the calendar year begins to wind down, one group of people in animal welfare are just getting warmed up - the fundraisers.
Roughly one-third of all donations to nonprofits come in the last 31 days of the year. For some organizations, December's donations amount to more than half of their overall fundraising for the entire year, so it's a critical time.
At the core of every good end-of-year campaign is a good story, and every single day the work we do presents us with countless stories as we impact the lives of people and pets. So which stories are the best ones to use for your end-of-year fundraising campaigns?
Who you're talking to, what you're asking for, how you're asking it, and where you're asking are all big questions, so we thought that we'd sit down with Trish Tolbert, the senior development strategist for the national embed team at Best Friends.
Click here to check out all the episodes from the podcast.

- Best Friends Network Program Spotlight: Harnessing the Power of Story to Benefit your Bottom Line
- Field Services Engagement Flyer also with location fields
- Best Friends Budget Model Template
- Fundraising Fundamentals E-learning Course
- Association of Fundraising Professionals
- National Council of Nonprofits: Fundraising
- Get Fully Funded
- Best Friends Executive Leadership Program