The Best Friends Podcast Episode 20
Every animal is an individual, and their journeys are as unique as they are. Each of them has a story waiting to be told, and these stories are how we connect our community to the work we do.
Writing effective adoption bios leads to higher adoption rates. Cutting through the increasing noise on social media requires captivating stories. Donors and volunteers need to feel invested in your mission before they will devote their time and money which will help you continue your work.
This week we look at ways you can inspire action and build awareness through the art of storytelling.
Click here to check out all the episodes from the podcast.

- Rexie Roo - Cat lives his best life on two legs
- Purrfection - 'Scentsational' new fragrance for cats
- Susan Russell's new book: Gata Unbound: Klein's Weird Evening & Archemedes' Ear

Click here to check out the full playlist of all the videos.

Elizabeth Doyle
senior writing mentor and style editor, best friends animal society
In her role at best friends, Elizabeth Doyle and her team write best friends’ fundraising, marketing and stewardship materials, and more.
She has studied development communications at Harvard University, and in 2014, an appeal she wrote won the gold maxi award from the direct marketing association of Washington.
Originally a historical romance novelist from Austin, Texas, Elizabeth had seven books published in three languages, and consequently knows more about pirate ships than most pirates do. She was a part of Austin pets alive when it was formed in the 1990s, and ran the no-kill handbill daily for several years before heading to best friends, where she has worked for 15 years.

Claudia Perrone
Manager, Creative Content Marketing, Best Friends Animal Society
Claudia Perrone is the Creative Content Marketing Manager at Best Friends Animal Society. Claudia started working at Best Friends in 2008 shortly after she adopted her dog, Charm, from Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.
She launched the organization’s first mobile text message campaign to raise awareness about homeless pets, led national campaigns to support the No More Homeless Pets Network, and most recently worked on the NKLA (No-Kill Los Angeles) initiative. Before joining the Best Friends team, Claudia helped a number of brands, including Naked Juice (PepsiCo) and Target, maximize their marketing potential.
In 2012, Claudia graduated from the Northwest School of Animal Massage with a certification as a small animal massage practitioner. She volunteers her time providing massage therapy for shelter dogs to help improve their emotional well-being and give them the best chance at getting adopted. Claudia lives in Venice Beach, California, with her two rescued dogs, Charm (a Hurricane Katrina survivor) and Logi

Susan Russell
Attorney, Archimedes Co-Founder & Author
A founding member of Archimedes’ Printing Shoppe & Sundry Goodes, Susan has a love for animals that runs deep. She is especially inspired by the ill-mannered and ill-tempered. And it is that inspiration that fueled her leadership of the municipal shelters in Chicago and Philadelphia in their life-saving efforts. A writer, attorney, animal advocate, and volunteer, Russell has also authored the award-winning coffee table book titled, A Ruff Road Home: The Court Case Dogs of Chicago, and has self-published three children’s books: Shelter Dog Kisses, We Can’t Go There, We’re Bears and Mr. Bird and Mr. Cat: How ‘Bout That!
Susan and her incredibly patient spouse are the parents of a houseful of wildly intellectual and book-loving cats. When these felines aren’t lounging in various boxes, they’re editing the Gata Unbound series and serve as consultants on the project.