The Best Friends Podcast - Episode 11
As governments scrambled to react to the COVID-19 pandemic, one word dominated conversations related to stay-at-home orders. Essential. Is the service or business, critical to the health and welfare of the community? Where do animal services fit into that picture?
While there’s little debate that animal control is necessary as a component of public safety, other elements of what we do were being judged on their merits. Spay and neuter surgeries were handled differently across the country both by government officials and people in our field. How essential are they?
We talked with leaders in three states about how they managed their clinic work during this time. And we talked with Aimee St. Arnaud, Director of National Veterinary Outreach for Best Friends Animal Society, about the larger picture of veterinary services during the pandemic, and what challenges lie ahead.
Click here to check out all the episodes from the podcast.
- Is Spay/Neuter an Essential Service During the Pandemic?
- COVID-19 Spay/Neuter and Wellness Clinic Preparedness Guide
- Take the pledge to spay/neuter cats in your community!

- Denise Deisler, CEO Jacksonville Humane Society
- Kris Jordan, Executive Director The Paws Clinic
- Bonnie Hill, Executive Director & Founder Spay Neuter Network
- Aimee St. Arnaud, Director of National Veterinary Outreach Best Friends Animal Society