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Become a Network Partner

By working together, we can save more lives in our communities. Join the Best Friends Network today and be part of a coalition that’s dedicated to information-sharing and proven lifesaving strategies. 

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Frequently Asked Questions   

What is the Best Friends Network?

  • The Best Friends Network is comprised of thousands of public and private shelters, rescue groups, spay/neuter organizations and other animal welfare organizations in all 50 states. We are a coalition committed to saving the lives of dogs and cats through collaboration, information-sharing and implementation of proven lifesaving strategies. Our partners support each other and inspire their own communities to increase lifesaving across the country. 

Why join the network?

  • We believe that every shelter, rescue group, transport group, and intake prevention organization is unique, just like each animal in their care. And because of that, each group deserves support and resources designed to address its specific lifesaving needs. Network partners have access to the following resources and tools:
    • Support from a dedicated regional team for organizations in each state and region to have the opportunity to participate in coalition-building, to learn from groups in surrounding counties and states, and to serve as lifesaving models for others
    • Access to specialized digital tools, research, tech solutions, and resources developed by Best Friends staff members and other experts from across the country
    • Opportunities for lifesaving and no-kill sustainability grants that support effective and innovative lifesaving programs, such as adoption, spay/neuter, and intake prevention
    • Exclusive access to national fundraising events like national adoption promotions
    • Discounted registration rates for the annual Best Friends National Conference and the opportunity to attend partner-only networking and appreciation events held during the conference
    • Listing on the network website that links visitors to your organization’s website

How do I join the Network?

  • It is free to participate in the Best Friends Network. To apply and be eligible for participation, your organization/group must:
    • Be willing and able to establish a positive working relationship with Best Friends and submit with required data reporting.
    • Be a group or shelter operating in the United States (excluding U.S. Territories) serving dogs and/or cats and their owners.
    • Be in compliance with all local laws and regulations governing animal sheltering and provide appropriate daily care to all animals under the care of the organization, including animals in foster homes or at other offsite locations. This includes, but is not limited to: sanitary living conditions, food, water, enrichment and shelter.
    • Be actively working toward the Best Friends mission of No More Homeless Pets by operating or supporting an active dog and/or cat adoption, transport, and/or spay/neuter or intake prevention program.
    • Be an approved 501(c)(3) public charity or municipal shelter. To learn more about 501(c)(3), please visit the Internal Revenue Service website.
    • Be in good standing with GuideStar Charity Check.

Can municipal shelters participate?

  • We strongly encourage municipal shelters to become network partners.

What if my organization is not currently a 501(c)(3) but has started in the application process to become one?

  • We do require that organizations have their 501(c)(3) nonprofit status before applying to become a partner.

How long will it take to process my application?

  • Applications are typically reviewed within five business days. After your application has been reviewed and you are approved to become a network partner, you will receive an email with website links and other important information.

What is required once my organization becomes a network partner?

  • Network partners are required to report annual statistics to Best Friends through our data and analytics platform, Shelter Pet Data Alliance, or through the data collection form. Please report using only one method, not both. Network partners are encouraged to maintain intake and outcome data on a monthly basis. In order to be eligible for participation in our adoption and fundraising promotions and events, and to be considered for financial aid or grants, this monthly data may be required. Reporting your intake, outcome and spay/neuter statistics, which is essential to assessing our strength as a coalition working to save lives, is an ongoing requirement for network partnership. Learn more about reporting your stats.

Do you have a list of network partners?

  • Yes, you can find a complete list of partners by clicking here.

How can I learn more?

Click below to learn more about:

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Organization Types and Data Requirements   

Data reporting requirements and method vary based on your organization type. To determine how your organization should get started with reporting data to become a Network partner, review the organization types below.

If you have already submitted your application, please take a few minutes to review and complete the remaining steps, if you have not already done so.  

Shelters and Rescues

If your organization is listed below, please create your organization’s profile with Shelter Pet Data Alliance. Data can also be submitted through the data collection form. Please report using only one method, not both.

In addition to annual data, please note that in order to be eligible for participation in our adoption and fundraising promotions and events, and to be considered for financial aid or grants, monthly data may be required.

Once your submitted application has been approved and the above steps completed, you will receive an email confirming your organization is now active on the network. 

  • Government Animal Services - Organizations operated by a municipal government with a permanent non-residential facility that take in more than 20 total dogs and cats annually and do not transfer all their animals to another facility.
  • Shelter with a Government Contract - Organizations with a permanent non-residential facility with at least one government contract that take in more than 20 total dogs and cats annually and do not transfer all their animals to another facility.
  • Rescue with a Government Contract - Organizations without a brick-and-mortar facility with at least one government contract that take in more than 20 total dogs and cats annually.
  • Shelter without a Government Contract - Organizations with a permanent non-residential facility that take in more than 200 total dogs and cats annually with open hours to the public at least 2 days per week.
  • Rescue without a Government Contract - Organizations that are private without a government contract that do not meet requirements of a Shelter without a Government Contract.

Support Groups

If your organization type is listed below, use this form to submit your annual statistics reports of animals served.

We will ask that community support organizations update their stats annual after becoming a Network partner. 

Once your submitted application has been approved and the above steps completed, you will receive an email confirming your organization is now active on the network. 

  • Spay/Neuter Only Group - Organizations that only perform or subsidize spay/neuter surgeries and do not intake animals. This includes TNVR (trap-neuter-vaccinate-return) organizations with strictly return-to-field outcomes.
  • Intake Prevention Organization - Organizations that operate intake diversion programs and do not intake animals.
  • Transport Organization - Organizations that operate transport programs on behalf of shelters and/or rescue groups and do not intake animals.
  • Private Friends of a Municipal Shelter - Groups that exist only to support a specific municipal shelter.

If you have any additional questions, please visit our FAQs or contact us at

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Apply to Become a Network Partner   

We are currently accepting applications to become a network partner. Applications are typically reviewed within five business days. After your application has been reviewed and you are approved to become a network partner, you will receive an email with website links and other important information.

  1. Review the FAQs and requirements, which provide more information and help ensure that your organization is eligible to apply.
  2. Identify your organization type and complete the associated data reporting requirements for new partners and learn more about our ongoing requirements.
  3. Apply

If you have any questions about our program that are not answered on this page, please email

Thank you so much for applying to be a network partner, and for all that you do for homeless pets.

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