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Help your community be a part of your lifesaving solution.
Shelter Narrative Generator
Thank you for updating your organization’s information on the
pet lifesaving dashboard
. Use the fields below to tell us which shelter you represent, as well as essential information that will be used to generate your organization’s narrative on your shelter’s dashboard page.
If you would like to update other information (data, location, etc.) about your shelter on the pet lifesaving dashboard, please use our
Shelter Data Update
To get started, please enter some basic information below:
Organization Name
Organization EIN
Enter 9 digit EIN without dash
How do I find this?
If you do not know your organization's EIN, you may be able to find it
Your Name
Your Relationship to Organization
Only official representatives of the shelter are permitted to submit shelter narratives.
Your Email
Next, enter your shelter’s lifesaving information that we will use to populate your narrative.
Organization Type
Government Shelter
Private Shelter
Shelter/Rescue with a Government Contract
Opt-In to Include Live Release Rate
More Info
If your shelter uses the Asilomar Live Release Rate instead of Save Rate to measure lifesaving, select this opt-in box. If you do opt-in, your save rate will still be displayed on your shelter page, but your new narrative will highlight your use of live release rate.
Asilomar Live Release Rate:
(Adoptions + All Outgoing Transfers + Return to Owner/Guardian)
divided by
Total Outcomes - (owner requested euthanasia [unhealthy and untreatable]- died or lost in shelter care)
Your Live Release Rate
Associated Live Release Rate year
Average Monthly Intake
Community Count
Location Community
Enter the name of the community where your shelter is located.
Use the fields below to enter your shelter’s three biggest needs right now (e.g. kitten fosters or donations) and two of your primary programs or strategies that you are using to save more lives (e.g. the community cat program or open adoptions).
Here are two examples of what a completed narrative might look like, one using save rate and one using the opt-in information for live release rate. The bold text represents the type of information that you will be entering below:
Example 1 – Default for shelters using save rate
Kitten fosters. Weekday volunteers. Donations.
These are the things we need. We are a
government shelter
serving pets and people in
five surrounding communities
. We take in an average of
animals every month and have a passionate, dedicated lifesaving team. This year, we are working to save more lives through the
community cat program
open adoptions
. Join us on our lifesaving journey!
Example 2 – Default for shelters opting in for live release rate
Kitten fosters. Weekday volunteers. Donations.
These are the things we need. We are a government shelter serving pets and people in
five surrounding communities
. We use live release rate to measure our progress instead of the save rate above. Using this metric, we saved
% of pets in our care in
. This year, we are working to save more lives through the
community cat program
open adoptions
. Join us on our lifesaving journey!
Need 1
Need 2
Need 3
Primary Program or Strategy 1
Primary Program or Strategy 2
Please review your shelter’s new narrative below before submitting.
Your Narrative Preview:
hide me
I agree to the
terms and conditions
Shelter Narrative Update Terms and Conditions
The data gathered from this form is intended for public sharing and for use on By submitting information via this form, the user attests that they are an official representative of the identified organization, and are permitted to communicate and share data on behalf of their organization. User also consents to be contacted by Best Friends Animal Society.
The form provides user with an opportunity to provide Best Friends Animal Society with a narrative about user’s shelter. By submitting a narrative, you consent to the publishing of that narrative by Best Friends Animal Society. Narratives may require editing. Any proposed edits to user’s narrative suggested by Best Friends Animal Society are subject to user’s agreement. In the event mutual agreement cannot be reached, no narrative will be included with user’s data.
Narratives will be uploaded to the dashboard periodically and
are not instant
. If you submit a narrative and it is not updated within 2 months of the submission date,
email us
and we will look into it.